life regression

Past Life Regretion
What is Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression means PLR. is a technique used all over the world. Even if it is a technique, it is related with Religious ideas. Some religions do not believe in rebirth. In that case this therapy will not work on them.
Every therapy is related with 'strong belief' . It is the case with Medical science also.
Let me explain it with the help of example. A very skilled doctor who operates any type of kidney operation if by mistake happens to be in negative news of racket of selling kidneys...
Then what will happen if a patient watching this news in his special A.C. room after his kidney operation, by the same doctor? suddenly the patient will feel nervous and pains in his operated part. he will ask his relatives to take discharge... for the sake of nothing. This reaction shows that even the medical science has worked perfect but since patient has lost faith in doctor, he will not get cure.
It works with those people who believes in Past Life and rebirth.
How this therapy is useful?
This therapy is used to find out reasons behind any kind of Psychological or Physical or Behavioral disorder. It is seen in life many times, a person is not getting success even after his hard work.
Many times relationship gets in problem, and the reasons are unknown then PLR therapy is used to find out reasons behind it. This is a method where Hypnotic suggestions are given to the patient and asked to go in his past. His age is getting less and less then he in his moms tomb, then there is darkness of death of before life. Then he is looking into his old age then youth etc. Here results vary from person to person and from instructor to instructor. Still this technique is very powerful to find out many answers.

पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन ?

आज हम चर्चा करेंगे “पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन “ की. इसका मतलब है हमारे पुर्व जनम की सैर करना.इसे जानने से पहले हमे कुछ बातें याद रखना जरुरी है. पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन कोई मनोरंजन की वस्तू नहीं है. उपर् वालेने हमें पैदा किया उस वक्त हम अपने पालनेमे ही चौबिसो घंटा सोते है. हमारा पिशाब,संडास सब बिस्तर पर ही हो रहा है. धिरे धिरे हमे चलने कि क्षमता मिली फिर दौडनेकी…. हमे देखने, सुनने समझनेकी ताकद मिली.फ़िर जवानी ढलते ही धिरे धिरे उपर् वाला हमसे ये क्षमतायें वापस लेने लगता है. समझनेकी क्षमता, सुनने देखनेकी क्षमता को वह हमसे धिरे धिरे छीन लेता है. फिर हमारे मूवमेंट को वह कम कर देता है. जिंदगी उलट दिशा मे जाने लगती है. दौडनेकी, चलने कि क्षमता वह कम कर देता है अब हम चौबिसो घंटा बिस्तर पर सोते है. पिशाब,संडास सब बिस्तर पर होता है. और एक दिन वह हमारी आत्मा को शरीरसे निकाल देता है. इस सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रिया में इस जनम का हमें अगले जनम में कुछ भी याद ना रहे ऐसी योजना उपर वालेकी होती है.
लेकिन पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन में जाकर हम उसके काम मे दखल अंदाजी करते है, ये ध्यान मे रखिये. उपर वाला यह चाहता है की हमे हमारा पुनर् जनम याद नहीं रहे. इसलिये शुरुआतमें ही हमने यह स्पष्ट किया है कि यह कोई मनोरंजन की वस्तू नहीं है. तो फिर इसे क्यो किया जाता है?
बहोत बार यह देखा गया है की कोइ इंसान बहूत ज्यादा मेहनत करता है फिर भी उसे कामयाबी नही मिलती, पति पत्नी मे अंनचाहे झगडे होते है. कोई रिश्तेदार बिना वजह परेशान करता रहता है. कुछ अंनजानीसी बिमारी आ जाती है, जिसके उत्तर इस जनम में नहीं मिलते उस वक्त पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन का सहारा लिया जाता है.
जब गुरू यह प्रक्रिया किसी के उपर करता है तब सावधांनता पुर्वक इसे अंजाम दिया जाता है. गुरू बनने के लिये मृत्युंजय मंत्र का जाप सात लाख बार करना जरूरी है. क्योंकी हम लोगों को मृत्यु दिखाते है, उस वक्त लोग डर जाते है. इस जनम मे हम उनकी आयु छोटी छोटी करते है, फिर साधक मॉ के गर्भ मे चला जाता है.अब उसे पिछले जनम की मृत्यु दिखती है, फिर पिछला जनम उलट काल में दिखने का काम शुरु होता है. इसी वक्त मृत्यु देखकर साधक डर जाते है. मृत्यु के भय के उपर काबू पाने के लिये गुरू को तय्यार रहना पडता है. नही तो साधक की जान भी जा सकती है.
कभी कभी साधकको सिर्फ अंधेरा दिखाई देता है, चाहे गुरू एक घंटे की प्रक्रिया करें. ऐसे साधक का पुर्व जनम ऐसी धर्म या जाती मे हो सकता है जहा पर लाश को मट्टी मे दफनाया जाता है. उसकी आत्मा इस कदर डर जाती है की वह अमुक एक जगह (कब्र)से हिलना नही चाहती. ऐसे आत्माओंकी अकाल मृत्यु हो गयी होगी. जिसके कारण रुह भी काप जाना यह शब्द प्रयोग आगया होगा. उस भयानक बात को उन साधकोंकी आत्मा पुन्ह एक बार अनुभव नही करना चाहती है.
कभी कभी साधकको चीजे साफ साफ नजर नही आती. उस समय समझ लिजिये की पिछ्ले जनम मे वह बहोत लम्बी उमर के लिये जिया था. करिबन सौ साल.इसलिये अगर उनकी दृष्टी सत्तर साल मे ही खराब हो गयी थी तो करिबन तीस साल का फासला तय करेंगे तोही पिछ्ला जनम नजर आ सकता है.
एक ही झटके मे कभी भी साधक को पिछले जनम मे नही लेकर जाना चाहिये. ऐसा करने पर किसी किसी साधक का सर दर्द करने लगता है और माथा भारी हो सकता है. धीरे धीरे अगर पिछला जनम दिखाया जाय तो साधक उसे एन्जॉय कर सकता है.

गुरू के हाथ मे साधक को पिछले जनम मे लेके जाना होता है लेकिन उससे निकलने वाले सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक दोनो परिणामोंके लिए साधक स्वयम जिम्मेदार होता है. कई बार पिछला जनम सुंदर होनेके कारण साधक की आत्मा इस जनम मे नही आना चाहती जिसके परिणाम गम्भीर हो सकते है. कई बार साधकको जो लोग दिखते है उनके प्रति ज्यादा प्रेम निर्माण होता है, फिर वह उनसे मिलने जाता है और पिछला जनम और ये जनम के रिश्तेदार इनमे खिचाव पैदा होता है.लोग फिर पिछले जनम के आर्थिक व्यवहार या अधूरी प्रेम कहानी को अब पूरा करने की कोशिश करते है और अच्छी जिंदगी बर्बाद होते देर नही लगती. यह सजा उपरवाला हमे देता है, इसे ध्यान मे रखे.

फिर भी पास्ट लाईफ रिग्रेशन का ग्यान रखना जरुरी है. यह डॉक्टर बनने जैसा है. जो इनसान मुसिबत मे होगा उसकी आप इसके तहत मदद कर सकते है. या अपने आप के लिये इस थेरपी का उपयोग जरूर कर सकते है. शास्त्रोंकी मान्यता अनुसार दूसरोंसे थेरपी लेने के बजाय अपनी मदद खुद करे इसी मे पुरुषार्थ है. हरि ॐ.
Past life relapse is a method that utilizations mesmerizing to recuperate what professionals accept are recollections of past lives or incarnations, however others see them as dreams or hallucinations or a sort of confabulation. Past-life relapse is commonly embraced either in quest for an otherworldly affair, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most promoters freely stick to convictions about rebirth, however religious conventions that join resurrection by and large do exclude subdued recollections of past lives. 

The strategy utilized amid past-life relapse includes the subject noting a progression of inquiries while entranced to uncover character and occasions of affirmed past lives, a technique like that utilized as a part of recouped memory treatment and one that comparatively distorts memory as a steadfast chronicle of past occasions as opposed to a built arrangement of memories. The utilization of trance and suggestive inquiries can tend to leave the subject especially prone to hold misshaped or false memories.The wellspring of the recollections is more probable cryptomnesia and confabulations that join encounters, information, creative energy and recommendation or direction from the subliminal specialist than review of a past presence. Once made, the recollections are unclear from recollections in light of occasions that happened amid the subject's life.

Recollections announced amid past-life relapse have been explored, and uncovered chronicled errors that are effectively clarified through an essential learning of history, components of mainstream culture or books that examine verifiable occasions. Trials with subjects experiencing past-life relapse demonstrate that a confidence in rebirth and recommendations by the trance inducer are the two most imperative variables in regards to the substance of recollections announced.

In antiquated Indian writing, the Upanishads specify past-life regression,but the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali examine the idea in more prominent detail. Composed amid the second century BC, the Hindu researcher Patañjali talked about the possibility of the spirit getting to be noticeably troubled with an amassing of impressions as a major aspect of the karma from past lives. Patañjali called the procedure of past-life relapse prati-prasav (truly "turn around birthing"), and considered it to be tending to current issues through recollections of past lives.

A few kinds of yoga keep on using prati-prasav as a training.  In the religious folklore of China the divinity Meng Po, otherwise called the "Woman of Forgetfullness", keeps souls from recalling their past lives: she gives them a self-contradicting drink that deletes all recollections previously they climb the wheel of resurrection.  In the cutting edge period, it was crafted by Madame Blavatsky, fellow benefactor of the Theosophical Society, which presented to it a newly discovered prominence, particularly in the West. French instructor Allan Kardec additionally looked into past life relapse in The Spirits Book and Heaven and Hell. Past life relapse treatment has been created since the 1950s by clinicians, specialists and mediums. The conviction picked up believability since a portion of the promoters have real accreditations, however these certifications were in regions disconnected to religion, psychotherapy or different spaces managing past lives and emotional wellness.

Enthusiasm for the marvel began because of American housewife Virginia Tighe revealing and relating the charged recollections of a nineteenth century Irish lady named Bridey Murphy; later examination neglected to help the presence of such a lady and the recollections were ascribed to Tighe's youth amid which she invested energy living by an Irish worker with incredible closeness to the character she depicted.  Past life relapse is generally dismissed as a mental treatment by clinical specialists and therapists. A 2006 study found that a larger part of an example of doctoral level emotional well-being experts evaluated "Past Lives" treatment as "surely ruined" as a treatment for mental or behavioral disarranges.  In the West, past-life relapse specialists utilize trance and recommendation to advance review in their patients, utilizing a progression of inquiries intended to inspire proclamations and recollections about the past life's history and identity.[3] Some professionals likewise utilize connecting systems from a customer's present life issue to bring "past-biographies" to cognizant awareness.Practitioners trust that uncertain issues from affirmed past lives might be the reason for their patients' issues. Luis Cordón states this can be dangerous as it makes dreams under the appearance of treatment. The recollections are experienced as clear as those in view of occasions experienced in one's life, difficult to separate from genuine recollections of real occasions, and as needs be any harm can be hard to undo.However, with psychotherapy customers who have confidence in past lives, independent of regardless of whether past lives exist, the utilization of past lives as an instrument has been proposed. 

Chinese numerologists utilize the Buddhist/Taoist content the Three Lives Book to portray points of interest of past lives. Educators of Eastern religion claim to have the capacity to utilize siddhi or abhijna capacities to relapse past lives (pubbenivāsānussati). 

Clinicians express that the "recollections" recouped by strategies like past-life relapse are the aftereffect of cryptomnesia: accounts made by the intuitive personality utilizing creative ability, overlooked data and proposals from the advisor. Recollections made under mesmerizing are unclear from real recollections and can be more striking than genuine recollections.

The best indicator of people detailing recollections of past lives seems, by all accounts, to be their convictions about the presence in rebirth—people who have confidence in resurrection will probably report such recollections, while doubters or skeptics are less so.  Examinations of three instances of evident past life relapse (Bridey Murphy, Jane Evans, and an anonymous English lady) uncovered recollections that were externally persuading. Nonetheless, examination by specialists in the dialects utilized and verifiable periods portrayed uncovered blemishes in every one of the three patients' review. The confirmation included discourse designs that were "...used by film producers and essayists to pass on the kind of sixteenth century English discourse" as opposed to real Renaissance English, a date that was mistaken yet was the same as a perceived printing blunder in verifiable flyers, and a subject that revealed truly exact data from the Roman period that was indistinguishable to data found in a 1947 novel set in an indistinguishable time from the person's recollections, with a similar name announced by the individual relapsed.

Different subtle elements refered to are normal learning and not confirmation of the truthful idea of the recollections; subjects requested to give recorded data that would permit checking gave just unclear reactions that did not consider check, and in some cases were not able give basic points of interest that would have been basic information (e.g. a subject portrayed the life of a Japanese military pilot amid World War II yet was not able recognize Hirohito as the Emperor of Japan amid the 1940s).